Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Striker's Table

            Striker was the Master of Ceremonies for more Games than my mind really wants to admit. Dominating the front room of his home was the Gaming Table. His father put it together for all his hobbies. It was a Stab of wood on 4 legs, four feet wide and eight feet long.

            We had as many as a dozen people around that table before, all playing one game or another. It was always strewn with books and soda and snacks and dice and scraps of paper and God knows what else.

            There was a good year there when it seem we were playing “Cyberpunk” daily.

Dungeons & Dragons” was played in a very Gonzo style. (I had a berserker Elf called Tick)

For ultimate brainless carnage, there was “Recon” (We usually killed ourselves long before we found the enemy).

Star Wars” (including my infamous Boba Fett stint).

Vulture’s totally Monty Haul games: “Stormbringer” and “GURPS” (I was Vigo. No excuse me, I was VIGO! You are like the buzzing of flies to me!)

Then there were the War Games. Shogun, Axis & Allies, Battle of Britain. Striker worked at a game shop, his collection was endless.



Many of the stories that you will see here take place here.




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